A Tourism Strategy for Denmark
UPDATE: The Shire has released the full Visitor Servicing Report, to accompany the draft Sustainable Tourism Strategy and Visitor Servicing Fact Sheet. The public comment period was extended to close at 4pm Friday 6 August 2021 and is now CLOSED.
Draft Tourism Strategy Public Comment Period
A draft strategy document is now available for public for comment. Read the Draft Sustainable Tourism Strategy here. During the public comment period, community members will be invited to read the draft strategy and provide written feedback either online or via letter. An accompanying factsheet which outlines the recommendations for the Denmark Visitor Centre can be read here.
To submit your feedback formally, you can complete the form online below under the Public Comment section. You can also provide your comments in writing to the CEO via email to enquiries@denmark.wa.gov.au or via letter sent to PO Box 183, Denmark WA 6333, or you are welcome to drop off your letter to the Shire offices.
The public comment period opened on Wednesday 23 June 2021 and will close 4pm Friday 6 August 2021.
Read the latest media release here
What's next?
Once the public comment period for the draft Tourism Strategy is complete, the next step is for the feedback to be considered and for the final document to be presented to Council for adoption later in 2021.
Background - A new Tourism Development Strategy for Denmark
The Shire of Denmark is developing a new Tourism Development Strategy to guide long-term tourism management and growth in Denmark.
Tourism is a significant industry for the region and has grown substantially over the last several years. However, Council recognises that increasing visitation also brings a number of challenges.
The new Tourism Development Strategy aims to build on local industry strengths, to identify the social, economic and environmental impact of tourism on the community and to guide the development of a sustainable visitor servicing model for the future.
The strategy will also make recommendations to help guide Council’s decision making with regards to future funding commitments, including for visitor servicing.
The Shire has appointed Great Southern Centre for Outdoor Recreation Excellence (GSCORE) to develop the tourism strategy. You can read more about this appointment via the Shire of Denmark's Media Release.
Surveys and Workshops
Thank you to everyone that provided their experience, aspirations and expectations through surveys and workshops.
Over 400 survey responses were received and the response was overwhelmingly positive and very informative. Workshops were held in Denmark and Nornalup in February and March with industry stakeholders and Denmark community members. Overall, 43 people participated in these workshops.
Community survey responses revealed the key priorities as:
- Protection of the local environment and promotion of Denmark’s unique nature-based assets
- Sustainable, integrated planning
- Promotion of Denmark as a vibrant arts community
- Improved community engagement and consideration of tourism impacts for residents and visitors
- Use of the visitor centre as a community hub to provide education opportunities for residents and visitors
- Consideration of impacts associated with absentee homeowners, i.e. increased rents, difficulties to recruit and retain casual seasonal staff
- More community involvement in how the Visitor Centre might be managed in the future.
GSCORE staff processed the data to inform the strategy.