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Notice of Intention to Levy Differential Rates 2021/2022
In accordance with Section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995, the Shire of Denmark is required to publish its Objects and Reasons for implementing differential rates. Shire electors and ratepayers are invited to make submissions on the proposed rates, minimum rates and any related matters.
The overall objective of the proposed rates for 2021/22 is to provide funding for the Shire's services, activities, financing costs and capital expenditure programs. When proposing the annual differential rates in the dollar and minimum payments, the Shire considers community priorities as outlined in the Strategic Community Plan Denmark 2027 and as forecast in the Long Term Financial Plan.
Please download all the relevant information from the links to the right of this page.
How do I have my say?
All Shire of Denmark ratepayers are welcome and encouraged to contribute to the discussion on rates. Council will carefully consider all public submissions received during the Public Comment period.
To submit your feedback formally, you must provide your comments in writing to the CEO via email to or via letter sent to PO Box 183, Denmark WA 6333, or you are welcome to drop off your letter to the Shire offices. You can also complete the form online below under the Public Comment section. If you have questions about how your rates might be affected, you are welcome, as always, to contact our Rates Officer.
Frequently Asked Question: Do comments made on social media platforms count? We monitor community sentiment online, but feedback must be formally submitted to the Shire in order for it to be presented to, and considered by, Council as part of the annual budget adoption process.
"The Shire acknowledges the value of tourism to the local economy and the proposal which is now in front of the community for comment is ultimately about spreading the associated costs fairly." - David King, Acting CEO
Notice of Intention to Levy Differential Rates 2021/2022
In accordance with Section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995, the Shire of Denmark is required to publish its Objects and Reasons for implementing differential rates. Shire electors and ratepayers are invited to make submissions on the proposed rates, minimum rates and any related matters.
The overall objective of the proposed rates for 2021/22 is to provide funding for the Shire's services, activities, financing costs and capital expenditure programs. When proposing the annual differential rates in the dollar and minimum payments, the Shire considers community priorities as outlined in the Strategic Community Plan Denmark 2027 and as forecast in the Long Term Financial Plan.
Please download all the relevant information from the links to the right of this page.
How do I have my say?
All Shire of Denmark ratepayers are welcome and encouraged to contribute to the discussion on rates. Council will carefully consider all public submissions received during the Public Comment period.
To submit your feedback formally, you must provide your comments in writing to the CEO via email to or via letter sent to PO Box 183, Denmark WA 6333, or you are welcome to drop off your letter to the Shire offices. You can also complete the form online below under the Public Comment section. If you have questions about how your rates might be affected, you are welcome, as always, to contact our Rates Officer.
Frequently Asked Question: Do comments made on social media platforms count? We monitor community sentiment online, but feedback must be formally submitted to the Shire in order for it to be presented to, and considered by, Council as part of the annual budget adoption process.
"The Shire acknowledges the value of tourism to the local economy and the proposal which is now in front of the community for comment is ultimately about spreading the associated costs fairly." - David King, Acting CEO
Council Votes to Advertise Proposed Differential Rates for 21/22
Out for Public Comment has finished this stage
At the June Ordinary Council Meeting, Council voted to proceed to advertise for Public Comment the proposed rates for 2021/2022 with two amendments tabled and carried at the meeting.
Public Comment Period Open
Out for Public Comment has finished this stage
Community members welcomed and encouraged to submit their written feedback to the Shire during the Public Comment Period.
Public Comment Period Closes
Out for Public Comment is currently at this stage
Monday 12 July 2021. Shire Officers will collate community feedback to be presented to, and considered by, Council as part of the annual budget adoption process.