- The email may have gone into your ‘spam/junk mail’ folder. Check there first!
- Your email service provider may have a very strong firewall that is blocking the activation email. This happens occasionally. Contact your service provider.
- You may have typed your email address incorrectly. It is very easy to make a small mistake in a rush – check back on the login page and if you are still having trouble contact us for assistance.
- Someone else in your family may have used your email address to establish an account in the past.
- You may have used this site before and forgotten; in which case see the next question.
- Step 1: Click the 'login' link on the top right of the screen.
- Step 2: Click the 'forgotten password' link under the 'sign in' button.
- Step 3: Type in your email address and click enter. You will then receive an email from us with your username and a link back to the site. Click on that link to reset your password.
- Step 4: Sign in with your old username and new password.
How does the Your Denmark website work?
This online engagement tool complements other forms of community engagement such as meetings, workshops, displays and forums. It provides engagement opportunities for those who may not be able to attend face to face activities and lets you have your say from your phone at a time convenient to you. All comments, ideas and suggestions (collected online, face-to-face, or on paper) are collated and used to inform our decision making processes. Project updates will be made available via the Your Denmark website in a timely manner.
Why should I sign up?
When you sign up to Your Denmark you can choose to receive regular updates on current and future projects that interest you.
Registration is quick and simple and includes a few important questions that help us to understand a little more about you and your interests, and most importantly, save us from asking you these questions in every consultation. Most of our projects require contributors to register so that we can ensure we have a broad demographic representation on all projects and activities that we consult on.
What are the advantages of engaging online?
Engaging online allows you to have your say on decisions, projects and issues which matter to you in your own time and comfort.
Why do I have to register?
If you would like to participate in the quick polls and surveys, or make comments and leave feedback, you will need to register. You only need to do this once. By registering you let us know some information about you, including your age and suburb. This helps us to ensure we are hearing from a good cross-section of our community. You can opt-out or cancel your registration at any time.
I signed up but didn't receive the activation email. What should I do?
There are a few reasons this might have happened:
I have tried to register, but my email address has already been taken? How is this possible?
There are a couple of possibilities:
I've forgotten my password and/or my username. What should I do?
Follow these simple steps to re-set your password
How can I edit my profile?
Log in to your account on the Your Denmark site. Once you are logged in, you will see your username above the home page banner in the top right-hand corner. Click on the drop down arrow, which brings up a menu, then click 'profile' and make any updates required.
How do I provide feedback?
We may seek your feedback in a range of different formats depending on the engagement. Your feedback could be submitted via an online forum, a quick poll, a map function, a survey or a combination of these engagement tools. To make sure that you can submit your feedback in any of these formats make sure that you register. We will continue to conduct face-to-face engagements as well as mail-outs, public meetings, and drop-ins as appropriate. Be sure to check the individual projects for other ways you can be involved in a project.
What happens to my feedback/comments?
All comments, ideas and suggestions and survey responses are collated and considered by the relevant project team to inform planning and decision-making processes. Using Your Denmark is a great way to be part of shaping our Shire's future. Often, feedback provided online will be used in conjunction with other face-to-face engagement activities such as workshops, meetings and/or open days. All feedback will be considered, however, this does not mean that every suggestion can be taken on board and adopted as proposed.
Can I comment anonymously in public discussions?
Yes! When you comment in a forum, other users of the site will be able to see your username but not your email address or any other identifying data. If you want to make sure that your comments are not connected to you, make sure that your username is different to your actual name and email. No third parties have access to or will be provided with your details. For further information, please refer to our privacy policy.
How is the site moderated?
All moderation is carried out by Bang the Table and is independent of the Shire of Denmark. The moderators will not edit or alter any comments and will only remove comments deemed to be significantly off-topic, offensive or malicious, in which case they are removed from the site immediately. Refer to the moderation guidelines and keep Your Denmark a friendly space where everyone can have their say.
Who can I contact about Your Denmark?
If you have a question regarding a specific project currently open for consultation, please contact the relevant project officer. Their contact details can be found on each consultation page.