Revitalising Berridge Park

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We want your help to design the new Youth Precinct in Berridge Park!

It's time to give Berridge Park a bit of TLC, so thanks for sharing your thoughts as we consider the future of this community hub at the heart of our town. Community engagements took place in 2023 as consultant Convic put together a community-informed concept plan to shape the future of Berridge Park. In February 2024, Council gave the concept design the thumbs up and the go ahead to apply for funding.

Next Steps...

Thanks to detailed community input and Council approval, we not have an adopted Concept Plan! Next is for our officers to get to work finding funding before we proceed to detailed design. We'll share updates with our community as soon as we have any!

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We want your help to design the new Youth Precinct in Berridge Park!

It's time to give Berridge Park a bit of TLC, so thanks for sharing your thoughts as we consider the future of this community hub at the heart of our town. Community engagements took place in 2023 as consultant Convic put together a community-informed concept plan to shape the future of Berridge Park. In February 2024, Council gave the concept design the thumbs up and the go ahead to apply for funding.

Next Steps...

Thanks to detailed community input and Council approval, we not have an adopted Concept Plan! Next is for our officers to get to work finding funding before we proceed to detailed design. We'll share updates with our community as soon as we have any!

Please subscribe to Follow this Project so you can receive updates if you're interested in staying up-to-date!

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Have your say! Tell us your thoughts about what's most needed in our Berridge Park Precinct in future. What's important to you?

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 03 Apr 2024, 08:51 AM