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We want your help to design the new Youth Precinct in Berridge Park!
It's time to give Berridge Park a bit of TLC, so thanks for sharing your thoughts as we consider the future of this community hub at the heart of our town. Community engagements took place in 2023 as consultant Convic put together a community-informed concept plan to shape the future of Berridge Park. In February 2024, Council gave the concept design the thumbs up and the go ahead to apply for funding.
Next Steps...
The Shire of Denmark’s Berridge Park Precinct Development project is now fully funded after an additional $2,197,666 was awarded by the Federal Government’s Growing Regions Program and following the announcement of a Lotterywest grant of $2,857,500 and $697,666 from the Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund awarded last year.
We will now prepare Tenders for the design and construction of the project. Addressing the Design Guidelines adopted by Council last year to ensure the feedback we received through community consultation is kept at the forefront will form part of the tender brief.
We'll share updates with our community as soon as we have any!
Please subscribe to Follow this Project so you can receive updates if you're interested in staying up-to-date!
We want your help to design the new Youth Precinct in Berridge Park!
It's time to give Berridge Park a bit of TLC, so thanks for sharing your thoughts as we consider the future of this community hub at the heart of our town. Community engagements took place in 2023 as consultant Convic put together a community-informed concept plan to shape the future of Berridge Park. In February 2024, Council gave the concept design the thumbs up and the go ahead to apply for funding.
Next Steps...
The Shire of Denmark’s Berridge Park Precinct Development project is now fully funded after an additional $2,197,666 was awarded by the Federal Government’s Growing Regions Program and following the announcement of a Lotterywest grant of $2,857,500 and $697,666 from the Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund awarded last year.
We will now prepare Tenders for the design and construction of the project. Addressing the Design Guidelines adopted by Council last year to ensure the feedback we received through community consultation is kept at the forefront will form part of the tender brief.
We'll share updates with our community as soon as we have any!
Please subscribe to Follow this Project so you can receive updates if you're interested in staying up-to-date!
Have your say! Tell us your thoughts about what's most needed in our Berridge Park Precinct in future. What's important to you?
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Page last updated: 03 Feb 2025, 11:04 AM
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Concept Design Fly Through
Project Timeline
Community Consultation
Revitalising Berridge Park has finished this stage
Surveys, design workshops and Youth Fest Drop-in sessions conducted to get valuable community input into the development of a Draft Concept Plan
Draft Concept Design Development and Community Consultation
Revitalising Berridge Park has finished this stage
The Draft Concept Plan will be brought back to community for feedback before being formally considered for adoption by Council.
Final Concept Design Approved
Revitalising Berridge Park has finished this stage
Informed by community feedback, a final Concept Design was tabled for Council to vote on its adoption before we get to work on applying for funding, then detailed design and, finally, construction. The Concept Design was approved at the February 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting.
Applying for Funding
Revitalising Berridge Park has finished this stage
With an approved Concept Design, we went on the hunt for funding to turn this concept into a reality! With the successful announcement of grants through the Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund, Lotterywest and the Federal Government’s Growing Regions Program the project can now be taken through to completion in its entirety!
Design Guidelines
Revitalising Berridge Park has finished this stage
Design Guidelines adopted by Council in November 2024, were compiled to serve as a comprehensive framework to guide the development of Berridge Park. You can view the Guidelines here.
Call for Tenders
Revitalising Berridge Park is currently at this stage
Tenders will be called for companies to complete the design and construction of the Berridge Park Precinct
Tenders Awarded
this is an upcoming stage for Revitalising Berridge Park
Once the Tender Period closes submissions will be evaluated followed by an award of contract by Council to the successful company.
Construction begins
this is an upcoming stage for Revitalising Berridge Park