- Put out your general waste bin even if you have a fortnightly service
- Put out your recycling bin even if it is not your recycling day
- Put out your general waste bin even if you have a fortnightly service
- Put out your recycling bin even if it is not your recycling day
I don’t have a kerbside waste collection – will this affect me?
The bin lid replacement only affects residents with a kerbside collection.
Why does the Shire have to replace my bin lids?
Denmark current bin lid colours – red for recycling and yellow/green for rubbish – are confusing for visitors and residents who are used to yellow recycling bin lids and red rubbish bin lids, which is the Australian standard. This results in rubbish and recycling being sorted incorrectly/placed into wrong bins and causes high contamination rates across the Shire.
Who will pay for the bin lid replacement?
The bin lid replacement program is included in the Shire 2021-2022 budget.
Lid replacement for standard intact bins, facilitating an active kerbside service will be paid for and actioned by the Shire. If your bin is damaged or altered from its original state we may not be able to change your lid - please contact our Waste Officer if this is the case.
What do I have to do for the bin lids to be changed over?
In the first week of April all property owners and managers will receive correspondence from the Shire with instructions and information on the bin lid changeover:
From 19th April 2022 on the GENERAL WASTE collection day in your area, leave your bins out 6AM – 6PM
Keep an eye on your mailbox for direct correspondence from the Shire and notifications on our website, Facebook and in the press.
I am not the owner of the property – how will I get information about the lid changeover?
In the first week of April details about bin lid replacement will be sent to the property owners and/or managers. If you are renting, please liaise with the owner/property manager to ensure you are informed of the details.
The Shire is requesting that from 19th April 2022 on the GENERAL WASTE collection day in your area residents leave their bins out 6AM – 6PM,
What happens if I'm not able to put my bins out as requested?
We understand that some property owners may not reside in Denmark, just as our full time residents may be away during the initial changeover stage.
If our contractor is unable to replace the lids because your bins are not out, a call-card will be left in the letterbox/at property to indicate next time they are in the area. Secondary visits are scheduled for week commencing 2nd May 2022.
In the event that the property owner/resident is away for the entire duration of this project, lids can be issued on request for DIY installation.
Why haven’t my bin lids been changed yet?
Bin lid replacement commenced on Tuesday 19th April in Nornalup and Peaceful Bay.
Our contractor is following the General Waste Collection Schedule, servicing areas on the day their general waste is due for collection.
Some households may not have had their lids changed if their bins were not out on prescribed days or the bins and/or lids were damaged. A call-card should have been left in the letterbox/at property to explain this.
Secondary visits are scheduled from 3rd May 2022. If you think your house may have been missed, or you have queries regarding the call-card instructions please contact our Waste Officer.
What happens to the old lids?
Old bin lids will be transported to Perth for palletising and recycling into new products.
What is FOGO?
FOGO stands for Food Organics Garden Organics and refers to collection of food scraps and garden organics, which once collected will be turned into compost.
Local Governments across WA are being encouraged by DWER and Waste Authority to implement FOGO collection and separate organic waste at the source so we can divert this resource from landfill. When organic waste breaks down in landfill it releases methane (a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide) and moisture that creates harmful leachate when combined with rain and condensation.