Keeping Denmark Pristine
Our Waste Services team is dedicated to keeping our community on track to continually improve the way we handle waste.
Waste Services projects underway in 2022
Bin lid replacement (January - May 2022)
FOGO feasibility study (completion June 2022)
Recycling service at Nornalup and Peaceful Bay (subject to contractor availability)
Community waste education initiatives (on-going)
Bin Lid Replacement
We know reducing waste in the Shire of Denmark is a priority for our community.
Sorting kerbside waste correctly diverts valuable resources from landfill and reduces contamination of recyclables. To assist our community and visitors in sorting kerbside waste, the Shire is preparing to replace our rubbish and recycling bin lid colours to align with the recognisable Australian Standard. This will affect all properties with commercial and domestic kerbside waste services in Denmark, Nornalup and Peaceful Bay townsites, with property owners to receive direct communication on the changeover details in the mail.
In an effort to assist residents and visitors with the changeover and to further divert valuable resources from landfill, Waste Sorted information stickers will also be applied to the new lids with details on what to put in which bin.
In 2022, the Shire will conduct a feasibility study into Food Organic Garden Organic (FOGO) kerbside collection. We are consulting with our Regional Alliance, exploring the logistics of delivering an additional collection service, our processing options and inviting community feedback. While you’re here, please tell us how you feel about the potential implementation of kerbside FOGO in Denmark using the quick poll below!
Recycling Nornalup and Peaceful Bay
One of the most exciting initiatives on our Waste Team's agenda this year is the introduction of a long-anticipated kerbside recycling service in the Nornalup and Peaceful Bay townsites. The Shire will be negotiating additional coverage by our recycling contractor. More information on this project will be released later in 2022. Stay tuned!
Community Education
This year, we hope to increase engagement with our community and local groups to deliver waste education and to encourage green initiatives. Throughout 2022 we will be sharing helpful waste sorting information so you can really get to know your kerbside bins, what can and cannot go in them, as well as drop-off services available in the Shire. Look out for Community Information Sessions and check out the list of helpful links on this page. You can also download the How to Sort Your Waste leaflet and share this with your family and housemates - we can all be a Great Sort!
We encourage our community to stay connected, keep an eye on our website and Facebook and check your mailbox for direct correspondence from the Shire about Waste Services changes that impact your property.