What is a Strategic Community Plan?
Our Strategic Community Plan is the Shire of Denmark's principal guiding document, sitting above all of our plans and strategies. We invite our community to participate in engagement activities to ensure community priorities and aspirations are accurately represented in Council's highest level document.
Council uses the Strategic Community Plan to guide decision making for the decade ahead. You can read the last Strategic Community Plan 'Denmark 2027' here.
Why are we doing this review?
Under the Local Government Act 1993, Councils must review their Strategic Community Plans at regular intervals.
This makes plenty of sense to us! Our community is growing and evolving, and we think our guiding plan should too.
Why should I bother getting involved in the review?
The new Strategic Community Plan will guide Council decisions for the next 10 years. If you live and work in our community, this document will directly impact your future, so who better to tell us about what's important for the future than you?
This is also a great opportunity to get to know the people behind the decisions in our community. If you haven't participated in a community consultation before, this is the perfect project to start with. There will be a range of ways to contribute, so it doesn't have to take up heaps of your time if you don't want it to.
How can I share my ideas?
Start by contributing to the engagement activities here on our Let's Talk page. If that's enough for you, then that's great! But if you'd like to dip your toe in a bit deeper, the next thing to do will be to check the list of activities coming up over the duration of the engagement process.
We'd also encourage you to sign up to the mailing list for this project, so we can send you updates.
How will I know my contributions will be represented in the Plan?
Great question! We will be presenting a draft document to the community for public comment and feedback once the bulk of the consultation work is complete.
This will be the perfect opportunity for you to read the results of the community consultation, to ensure your ideas are represented appropriately, and to raise any additional feedback or concerns with us.
All feedback received during the public comment period will be collated and presented to Council for consideration when confirming the final Strategic Community Plan.
We also encourage you to contact our staff members and Councillors who are working on the plan with any questions, issues and feedback. Our goal is to ensure the Strategic Community Plan represents our community's vision for the future so every bit of community input is important to us.