Strategic Community Plan Major Review 2022/2023

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This review is now complete. At a Special Meeting of Council on Tuesday 27 June 2023, Council voted to adopt our Future 2033 as the Shire of Denmark Strategic Community Plan.

Our Future 2033 now replaces Denmark 2027 as the Shire's most important guiding document.

Here's the key information:


It's time to review our Strategic Community Plan!

The Strategic Community Plan is the Shire of Denmark's principal guiding document, sitting above all of our plans and strategies.

During the review, we invited our community to participate so we can ensure community priorities and aspirations are accurately represented in Council's highest level document. You can read the current Strategic Community Plan 'Denmark 2027' here.

Following a months-long review and engagement process, we now have a draft Strategic Community Plan 'Our Future 2033' available for our community to read.

The draft document is accompanied by two comprehensive supporting reports:

Community members are encouraged to read Our Future 2033 within the context of the two supporting reports which feature the more than 1700 community responses that informed the priorities and aspirations featured in our draft plan.

Public Comment Period

We're nearing the completion of the major review process for the Strategic Community Plan and it's time to circle back and check in. Have we captured and understood your feedback? Does our community vision feel right to you? Have we prioritised your ideas and focus areas correctly? This is your chance to let us know.

The Public Comment Period will be open until 4pm Monday 19 June, during which time written submissions will be accepted. Please utilise the simple online form below to provide your feedback.

Alternatively, you can email us at or write us a letter at PO Box 183 Denmark WA 6333.

So, why is this important to you?

Council uses the Strategic Community Plan to guide decision-making for the decade ahead. If you live or work in the Shire of Denmark, this is your chance to tell us what our priorities should be for the future. Help us set the course ahead for our community, environment and way of life. Read our Frequently Asked Questions for more information.


This review is now complete. At a Special Meeting of Council on Tuesday 27 June 2023, Council voted to adopt our Future 2033 as the Shire of Denmark Strategic Community Plan.

Our Future 2033 now replaces Denmark 2027 as the Shire's most important guiding document.

Here's the key information:


It's time to review our Strategic Community Plan!

The Strategic Community Plan is the Shire of Denmark's principal guiding document, sitting above all of our plans and strategies.

During the review, we invited our community to participate so we can ensure community priorities and aspirations are accurately represented in Council's highest level document. You can read the current Strategic Community Plan 'Denmark 2027' here.

Following a months-long review and engagement process, we now have a draft Strategic Community Plan 'Our Future 2033' available for our community to read.

The draft document is accompanied by two comprehensive supporting reports:

Community members are encouraged to read Our Future 2033 within the context of the two supporting reports which feature the more than 1700 community responses that informed the priorities and aspirations featured in our draft plan.

Public Comment Period

We're nearing the completion of the major review process for the Strategic Community Plan and it's time to circle back and check in. Have we captured and understood your feedback? Does our community vision feel right to you? Have we prioritised your ideas and focus areas correctly? This is your chance to let us know.

The Public Comment Period will be open until 4pm Monday 19 June, during which time written submissions will be accepted. Please utilise the simple online form below to provide your feedback.

Alternatively, you can email us at or write us a letter at PO Box 183 Denmark WA 6333.

So, why is this important to you?

Council uses the Strategic Community Plan to guide decision-making for the decade ahead. If you live or work in the Shire of Denmark, this is your chance to tell us what our priorities should be for the future. Help us set the course ahead for our community, environment and way of life. Read our Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

  • CLOSED: The public comment period concluded at 4pm on Monday 19 June 2023.

    The Strategic Community Plan is the Shire of Denmark's most important guiding document, created and informed by community feedback. 

    This is your chance to let us know if we've got it right, to let us know if we understood your priorities and ideas. 

    Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. Public Comment submissions close 4pm Monday 19 June 2023.

    Share Provide Your Comment on Facebook Share Provide Your Comment on Twitter Share Provide Your Comment on Linkedin Email Provide Your Comment link
  • CLOSED: This competition has concluded.

    All community members aged 13 and over are invited to submit their favourite photo taken in the Denmark district with the chance to win one of five prizes! Photography submitted to the competition must be the original work of the entrant.

    The best entries may be featured in the Shire of Denmark Strategic Community Plan 2033.

    Entries close 4pm Friday 7 April 2023.

    Share Photo Competition on Facebook Share Photo Competition on Twitter Share Photo Competition on Linkedin Email Photo Competition link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We are gathering information to help set our community's future direction in the Shire of Denmark's updated Strategic Community Plan. Please take two minutes to contribute your thoughts.

    Share We're Listening... Mini Questionnaire on Facebook Share We're Listening... Mini Questionnaire on Twitter Share We're Listening... Mini Questionnaire on Linkedin Email We're Listening... Mini Questionnaire link
Page last updated: 30 Jun 2023, 09:41 AM