- Changes to the permitted sizes and heights for outbuildings and water tanks
- A wider range of acceptable development standards, across all zones (proposals that comply will not need planning approval - only a building permit)
- Clarity on how the Shire will assess variations from the policy standards
- Guidance for unenclosed additions (including a veranda, carport or lean-to)
What are the most important changes?
The proposed policy combines and improves the existing policies for outbuildings and water tanks. Important changes include:
Do I still need approval to build a shed or water tank?
The only time that you will need no planning or building approvals is if your project is less than 10m2 in floor area, less than 2.4m in overall height, and less than $20,000 in total value.
If your project meets the acceptable development standards of the proposed policy you may not need planning approval - but you will still need a building permit.
If your project does not meet the acceptable development standards of the policy you will need planning approval and a building permit.
I'm planning to build a shed. How will these changes affect me?
The policy changes that are proposed make it easier for projects that meet the acceptable development standards.
If you are planning a project and are not sure how these changes might affect you, please contact the Shire's Planning Services team for more information.
If my neighbour is building a shed or water tank will I be consulted?
We encourage everyone to talk to their neighbours as early and as much as possible when making development decisions. Conversation helps to build relationships and to share information.
If a proposal meets the acceptable development standards it will not be referred to neighbouring landowners for comment.
If a proposal is a 'minor variation' from the standards the Shire may decide to send a letter to neighbouring landowners for comment.
If a proposal is a 'substantial variation' from the standards the Shire will send a letter to neighbouring landowners in all cases.
Why does the proposed policy include a standard for building colours?
The policy includes an acceptable development standard for external building materials (ie. wall and roof cladding) in all zones except for the Rural Zone.
If your external building materials are of a non-reflective, darker tone (ie. Colorbond Bluegum or darker) then you may not require planning approval.
This aims to make it easier for projects that have less risk of reflective glare for neighbours and better visual landscape outcomes.