Background Information
Demand for Trails
At present the demand for mountain biking experiences in Denmark exceeds the supply of trails, and a growing number of unsanctioned trails have developed across the proposed area at Mt Hallowell.
Unsanctioned ad-hoc mountain bike activity can have adverse impacts such as erosion, disturbance of wildlife, damage to vegetation and spread of dieback.
In addition, unsanctioned trails can interfere with existing walk trails and make it dangerous for bushwalkers.
Mount Hallowell Conservation Area
Mount Hallowell is an iconic reserve. With sweeping views, natural bushland and rock features the reserve is much loved and visited by locals and tourists in increasing numbers.
It contains significant diversity of vegetation comprising of forests of karri and woodlands of mixed jarrah, blackbutt, paperbark, shrublands and heathlands.
The Perth to Albany Bibbulmun Walk Track passes through the Reserve. It is bordered to the west and north by grazing farmland, to the south by rural subdivisions and by urban residential to the east.
The Reserve is one of a small number of forested areas managed to exclude all fire i.e. no planned burns.
The Management Plan (2008) for Mt Hallowell Reserve guides the activities within and adjoining the Reserve so that the management goals of conservation, recreation and protection from fire can be achieved.