Be Bushfire Ready

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A Bushfire Ready Group is a local community action group aimed at encouraging local residents to work together to prepare and protect their families and properties against bushfires as best they can. Bushfire Ready Groups provide an opportunity for neighbours and friends to network, share ideas and information and to develop and implement strategies which can reduce their bushfire risk.

In a bushfire, a fire truck may not be available to protect every home. This means residents and homeowners need to be responsible for their own safety.

Bushfire Ready is a community-driven program supported by the Department of Fire and

A Bushfire Ready Group is a local community action group aimed at encouraging local residents to work together to prepare and protect their families and properties against bushfires as best they can. Bushfire Ready Groups provide an opportunity for neighbours and friends to network, share ideas and information and to develop and implement strategies which can reduce their bushfire risk.

In a bushfire, a fire truck may not be available to protect every home. This means residents and homeowners need to be responsible for their own safety.

Bushfire Ready is a community-driven program supported by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) and the Shire of Denmark to increase the resilience to bushfire risk in our community.

Bushfire Ready Groups started in Denmark in 2018 and are already operating in a number of areas.

Why join a local Bushfire Ready Group?

Who is my local Bushfire Ready facilitator?

  • Town - Noni Entwhistle
  • East Denmark - Karen Burford
  • Mount Lindesay - Murray Brooker
  • Howe Road - Em Harper Gen Steed
  • Shadforth - Nigel Marsh and John Maxwell
  • Mohr Drive - Sally Ingham and Vicki Squires
  • Ocean Beach - Sara Coyne, Leith Brown, Diana Plyley
  • Somerset Hill - John Maxwell
  • Kordabup Owingup - John Maxwell
  • Nornalup - Gail Guthrie
  • William Bay - Nadja Hasenauer

Where to begin a Bushfire Emergency Plan

  • Contact a Bushfire Ready facilitator near you for more information. They have resources they can give you to help write a Bushfire Emergency Plan
  • Download the 'My Bushfire Plan' app to your smart phone
  • Use DFES resources to help you prepare your plan
  • Sit down with pen and paper and write a clear Bushfire Emergency Plan

Essential information in case of bushfire

  • Call 000 if you see smoke or flames
  • Call 000 if you are worried about someone's safety
  • Emergency broadcasts are aired to ABC radio at regular intervals. Tune in online or set your radio to 630AM
  • Monitor conditions. Useful websites include

Bushfire Ready Group Stories

Here are some of our local Bushfire Ready Group stories.

Are you part of a Bushfire Ready group in Denmark? Then you can also tell us your story here. You can include some photos too!

Thank you for sharing your story with us.

We appreciate your contribution to making Denmark safer.


Shire of Denmark

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    about 4 years ago

    I have been asked to pass on my thoughts regarding bushfire preparedness and being part of the Bushfire Ready Community.

    Back in 2015 we were living in Victoria and made the trek to Denmark for our eldest grandson’s first Christmas. My father and stepmother were living on the border of the Adelaide Hills and Barossa Valley in SA. Dad was a stubborn old man with memory loss issues and Lyn having just been diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia and was in a secure unit at the Gumeracha Hospital in the Adelaide Hills. A fire started in a previously unknown area... Continue reading

Page last updated: 10 Feb 2025, 11:36 AM