Draft Local Planning Strategy

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Local Planning Strategy Receives Council Endorsement

The Shire's new Local Planning Strategy was endorsed at the May ordinary Council meeting, along with a list of modifications that respond to community feedback received during the consultation period.

The Strategy sets the stage for changes that will improve and modernize the Shire’s local planning rules and respond to current community expectations.

A total of 79 written submissions were received from members of the public and 6 from State Government agencies, providing valuable feedback relating to a wide range of matters. All submissions were comprehensively assessed by the Shire’s planning team, resulting in several substantial modifications to the Strategy.

One of the most significant changes is an alternative approach to planning for tourism, which removes the identification of tourism precincts and includes:

  • An expanded discussion on tourism impacts and the concept of ‘carrying capacity’.
  • A rigorous set of assessment criteria for future tourism-related proposals to help minimise negative impacts.
  • A proposed reduction in the range of opportunities to develop new tourist accommodation in the Rural Zone.
  • A review of the local planning frameworks approach toward holiday homes, in response to housing availability and affordability issues.

“Having been involved in the Working Group for this project since its inception, I’m very excited to see the final outcome of this process”, said Denmark Shire President Kingsley Gibson.

“Denmark and the world around us, has changed enormously since the last Strategy was completed in 2011” Cr Gibson said.

“We firmly believe that this Strategy reflects a balance of community views that will enable us to respond to contemporary issues and will appropriately guide our future growth and development for the next 10-15 years.”

“We acknowledge that our Shire will continue to grow. This strategy is about looking forward and moving forward whilst bringing what is good about our past along with us.”

The Draft Local Planning Strategy, submissions received, and a list of the proposed modifications to finalise the Strategy will now be presented to the WA Planning Commission for review and final approval.

A copy of the 28 May 2024 Council agenda, attachments and minutes are available to view on the Shire’s website www.denmark.wa.gov.au/council-meetings/meeting/28-may-2024-ordinary-meeting/262

Community Consultation

The public consultation undertaken and analysed in support of the preparation and review of the Local Planning Strategy (LPS) has been extensive, and significant dialogue with the community has occurred.

The Draft Strategy was developed to reflect the outcomes of preliminary consultation undertaken between July and October 2020, during which time the Shire received 8 written submissions, 26 completed surveys, and an estimated 80-100 attendees at four community workshops (‘Conversation Cafes’) held in Denmark (2), Nornalup and Peaceful Bay. A Preliminary Consultation Report was prepared to summarise this preliminary consultation process and key findings.

In July 2021 an in-person LPS community update event was presented in Denmark and targeted feedback was sought on several key issues under consideration, including housing diversity and density, preserving landscapes and views, tourism precincts, sustainability, and local/ regional commercial services. The same questions were put on the Your Denmark LPS website in an online survey, with 43 responses received, providing insight into community perceptions of these topic areas.

Formal public advertising of the Draft Strategy occurred for a period of 60 days between October and December 2023, with information about the Draft Strategy provided to the community through the following communication channels and platforms:

  • The Shire’s general and Your Denmark websites;
  • Newspaper advertisements in both the Denmark Bulletin and Walpole Weekly;
  • Shire of Denmark media release;
  • Shire social media posts (Facebook);
  • Shire ‘Denmark Direct’ monthly e-newsletter; and
  • Direct letters to:
    • Landowners of properties likely to be directly impacted by changes proposed under the Draft Strategy;
    • Local community organisations;
    • LPS website subscribers;
    • Previous submitters who provided feedback during the preliminary consultation phases;
    • Building and development industry stakeholders; and
    • Government agencies and servicing authorities.

A copy of the Draft Strategy, technical reports and associated documents were made available on the Your Denmark website, in hard copy at the Shire’s administration offices and Denmark Library, or upon request. Seven information sheets summarising key themes and responses to frequently asked questions were also made available to provide shorter, easier to read formats for key information.

Contact details (phone and email) were provided for the Shire’s Strategic Planner to enable community members and stakeholders to make direct contact and ask related questions, and a significant number of phone discussions and in-person meetings took place during the consultation period.

Local Planning Strategy Receives Council Endorsement

The Shire's new Local Planning Strategy was endorsed at the May ordinary Council meeting, along with a list of modifications that respond to community feedback received during the consultation period.

The Strategy sets the stage for changes that will improve and modernize the Shire’s local planning rules and respond to current community expectations.

A total of 79 written submissions were received from members of the public and 6 from State Government agencies, providing valuable feedback relating to a wide range of matters. All submissions were comprehensively assessed by the Shire’s planning team, resulting in several substantial modifications to the Strategy.

One of the most significant changes is an alternative approach to planning for tourism, which removes the identification of tourism precincts and includes:

  • An expanded discussion on tourism impacts and the concept of ‘carrying capacity’.
  • A rigorous set of assessment criteria for future tourism-related proposals to help minimise negative impacts.
  • A proposed reduction in the range of opportunities to develop new tourist accommodation in the Rural Zone.
  • A review of the local planning frameworks approach toward holiday homes, in response to housing availability and affordability issues.

“Having been involved in the Working Group for this project since its inception, I’m very excited to see the final outcome of this process”, said Denmark Shire President Kingsley Gibson.

“Denmark and the world around us, has changed enormously since the last Strategy was completed in 2011” Cr Gibson said.

“We firmly believe that this Strategy reflects a balance of community views that will enable us to respond to contemporary issues and will appropriately guide our future growth and development for the next 10-15 years.”

“We acknowledge that our Shire will continue to grow. This strategy is about looking forward and moving forward whilst bringing what is good about our past along with us.”

The Draft Local Planning Strategy, submissions received, and a list of the proposed modifications to finalise the Strategy will now be presented to the WA Planning Commission for review and final approval.

A copy of the 28 May 2024 Council agenda, attachments and minutes are available to view on the Shire’s website www.denmark.wa.gov.au/council-meetings/meeting/28-may-2024-ordinary-meeting/262

Community Consultation

The public consultation undertaken and analysed in support of the preparation and review of the Local Planning Strategy (LPS) has been extensive, and significant dialogue with the community has occurred.

The Draft Strategy was developed to reflect the outcomes of preliminary consultation undertaken between July and October 2020, during which time the Shire received 8 written submissions, 26 completed surveys, and an estimated 80-100 attendees at four community workshops (‘Conversation Cafes’) held in Denmark (2), Nornalup and Peaceful Bay. A Preliminary Consultation Report was prepared to summarise this preliminary consultation process and key findings.

In July 2021 an in-person LPS community update event was presented in Denmark and targeted feedback was sought on several key issues under consideration, including housing diversity and density, preserving landscapes and views, tourism precincts, sustainability, and local/ regional commercial services. The same questions were put on the Your Denmark LPS website in an online survey, with 43 responses received, providing insight into community perceptions of these topic areas.

Formal public advertising of the Draft Strategy occurred for a period of 60 days between October and December 2023, with information about the Draft Strategy provided to the community through the following communication channels and platforms:

  • The Shire’s general and Your Denmark websites;
  • Newspaper advertisements in both the Denmark Bulletin and Walpole Weekly;
  • Shire of Denmark media release;
  • Shire social media posts (Facebook);
  • Shire ‘Denmark Direct’ monthly e-newsletter; and
  • Direct letters to:
    • Landowners of properties likely to be directly impacted by changes proposed under the Draft Strategy;
    • Local community organisations;
    • LPS website subscribers;
    • Previous submitters who provided feedback during the preliminary consultation phases;
    • Building and development industry stakeholders; and
    • Government agencies and servicing authorities.

A copy of the Draft Strategy, technical reports and associated documents were made available on the Your Denmark website, in hard copy at the Shire’s administration offices and Denmark Library, or upon request. Seven information sheets summarising key themes and responses to frequently asked questions were also made available to provide shorter, easier to read formats for key information.

Contact details (phone and email) were provided for the Shire’s Strategic Planner to enable community members and stakeholders to make direct contact and ask related questions, and a significant number of phone discussions and in-person meetings took place during the consultation period.

Page last updated: 30 May 2024, 09:43 AM